Making the Most Out of Your Workday: #FocusFriday Starts Now!

Distractions, information overload — they get the best of us.   That’s why today we’re starting a weekly series called “#FocusFriday.”  Why? Because we  believe in today’s world, finding ways to focus  is key to business success.

I can’t read a long document, watch a two-minute video or write a presentation without stopping to check email, the  Xerox Twitter* or YouTube sites, or click on a hyperlink from someone I follow.  I’m no different than a host of office workers trying to be productive while staying connected and informed.  Earlier this week, Xerox brought this very real problem – finding focus! – to light, with  Business of Your Brain, a humorous look at the things that distract us throughout our workday.

This fun, yet useful desktop application is meant to give us insight into our “Brain,” aka MS Outlook.  I had doubts at first; an app that pokes fun at my email? Isn’t that just another distraction? Since playing with it, I’ve had my share of chuckles on its clever replies to my daily scribes.

The joke was on me.  This app  has pointed out  curious things I do in the workday that sap  my focus.  I write LONG emails.  My inbox is a mess – no real organization, notes piling on, attachments not filed.

Business of your Brain got me thinking about FOCUS!  I’ve started to take back my inbox.  Sorry retailers, I’ve unsubscribed to your alerts. I’ve color-coded notes from select colleagues. I’ve created folders.  I’m not down to “zero” like @joshbaltzell (he tweeted us his method), but taking small steps to get there. Next up, check out some of the email organizers  like Meshin* or Xobni.

I’d first like to ask  for your help.

How do you find your focus to stay productive?

Share your thoughts here, and maybe we’ll all be a little more productive with each passing #Focus Friday.

*Updated November 21, 2017.

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