Shaking up the Public Sector

by, Alan Charnley, managing director, Xerox UK and Ireland

Today is a great day. We’ve cracked open the bubbly here in sunny Uxbridge to celebrate a major new deal with the U.K. Government. Cheers! We have been selected for the Wider Public Sector ‘Print Services Framework Agreement’ and tasked with transforming the document supply chains across Local Government, the Education Sector, the National Health Service and the Police Force.

You may remember back in March, the U.K. Cabinet Office’s Government Procurement Service in partnership with two purchasing organisations, YPO and ESPO, selected Xerox U.K. as sole supplier for a £150 million contract and as a preferred supplier of managed print services.  So this latest deal is indeed a landmark in our incredible 35 year history of partnering with the government and public sector.

I recently discussed with Adam Hewitt editor of Public Sector Executive magazine why we’ve been quite so successful in this sector. Well the answer is strategic flexibility. Take our Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) relationship for example; we continually adapt our services to make sure we are closely aligned with the department’s own objectives. This ensures we always focus on delivering the right results.

It’s certainly an interesting time for the private sector. As budget pressures continue to force public sector organisations to think differently and deliver more for less and actually be innovative, there is indeed a strong opportunity for private sector companies this year. So my advice to others is get involved and be sure you don’t miss the boat!

Given our current economic situation, the government has certainly got its hands full. For Xerox, by helping the Government Procurement Services meet their targets of 19 per cent savings across U.K. Public Sector departments, we can help ease some of the pressure and enable the U.K. Government to focus its attention on its real business – running the country.

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