Three Xerox Technology Business Predictions for 2013

By Bob Wagner, Corporate Public Relations, Xerox

What does 2013 hold in store for industries served by Xerox’s technology business?  Here are three predictions:

1. More businesses—small, medium and large—will cut costs and boost productivity by simplifying their print environments with managed print services (MPS).  The print infrastructure continues to be an overlooked source of cost control.  Increasing global competition—and Three Xerox Technology Business Predictions for 2013shrinking margins of error—will pressure businesses to engage services that will trim and corral their printers, copiers and fax machines.

2. More MPS contracts will be administered by IT resellers.  Savvy resellers will recognize the opportunity MPS affords for recurring revenue, profitable growth and developing a broader portfolio of services to drive more rewarding long-term customer relationships and ongoing collaborations.  And, resellers will recognize that the opportunity is especially ripe because MPS is currently experiencing rapid growth among the small- and medium-size businesses that are their heartland customers.

3. More commercial print businesses will find profit and growth by building broad portfolios of graphic communications services to complement their print offerings.  The industry transformation continues.  More printers will become marketing partners, target list developers, digital asset managers, mobile marketing experts, social media gurus and even—yes—MPS providers.  Print—and especially digital print—will continue to play a critical role as one of many services.

BONUS PREDICTION: The men’s hockey team at RIT—alma mater to many in the IT and graphic communications industries—will overcome its disappointing December, surge in January, and earn a bid to the NCAA Division I playoffs.  Go, Tigers!


Bob heads global communications for Xerox’s technology business and is a proud RIT alum.


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  1. Aman Mustafa January 1, 2013 -

    Agreed. MPS is not only a great solution for large enterprises in bringing optimization and cost savings to their print and related areas, but also a great solution for the Small & Medium Enterprises; provided of course, the service delivery processes are streamlined to be quicker and cheaper. Global resources are required to be leveraged more – it is there for us to just utilize.

  2. Jerome Ady-Gyan January 3, 2013 -

    I agree. MPS will surely reduce how much a business -small, medium and large scale; educational institutions, and even government institutions spend in their printing environment. This system will be one of the ways of effectively reducing waste in the printing environment, and waste reduction in any organization means savings for that organization.

  3. Alana H. March 22, 2013 -

    I just wanted to add this: inasmuch as MPS will usher in an era of transparency in organizational printing, there still needs to be a way in which these organizations can lessen their printing needs. I think one of the ways they can do this is by using cloud service to share, view and sign important documents.


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